
Male-Female Threaded Adapters

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These adapters are used on ends of Push-Puller legs

Male-Female Threaded Adapters

These adapters are used on ends of Push-Puller® legs, with forcing screws or slide hammers to assist in pulling shafts, bearing caps, pinions, and many other parts.

CAUTION: All the items shown may not withstand the full tonnage of the pullers they may be used with.

Order No. Female End Male End Length   Order No. Female End Male End Length
8000 5/8″–18 1/4 »â€“20 2 1/4″ 8015 5/8″–18 3/4″–10 2 1/4″
8001 5/8″–18 5/16″–18 2 1/4″ 8016 1″–14 3/4″–10 2 1/2″
8002 5/8″–18 7/16″–14 2 1/4″ 8017 5/8″–18 7/8″–14 2 1/4″
8003 5/8″–18 7/16″–20 2 1/4″ 8018 5/8″–18 7/8″–9 2 1/4″
8004 5/8″–18 3/8″–24 2 1/4″ 8019 5/8″–18 1″–14 2 1/4″
8005 5/8″–18 3/8″–16 2 1/4″ 8020 1″–8 5/8″–18 3″
8006 5/8″–18 1/2″–20 2 1/4″ 8021 1″–8 1″–14 3″
8007 5/8″–18 1/2″–13 2 1/4″ 8022 5/8″–18 1/8″ pipe 2 1/4″
8008 5/8″–18 9/16″–18 2 1/4″ 8023 1 1/4″–12 1″–14 4 1/2″
8009 5/8″–18 9/16″–12 2 1/4″ 8024 1 1/4″–12 1 3/4″–12 4 1/2″
8010 5/8″–18 5/8″–11 2 1/4″ 8025 1 1/4″–7 5/8″–18 4″
8011 1″–14 5/16″–11 2 1/2″ 8027 1 1/4″–7 1″–14 4″
8012 1″–14 5/8″–18 3 3/16″ 8028 1 5/8″–5 1/2 1″–8 4″
8013 5/8″–18 3/4″–16 2 1/4″ 8029 1 5/8″–5 1/2 1″–14 4″
8014 1″–14 3/4″-16 2 1/2″
Note: Nos. 8000–8029 – each sold individually.
Operating Instructions

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